Create a family time capsule
Create a family time capsule

Time capsules are a wonderful way of preserving and keeping family traditions alive. They hold memories that have the ability to come back to life when opened, and on top of all that they teach us about our history and how lucky we are to have our family. Time capsules can be simple to start/update and are not necessarily always buried away only to be opened 100 years later. However, depending on your family, maybe a time capsule that cannot be opened until 100 years later may be best.
Today, family time capsules can be kept entirely online, or simply in a shoebox or closet. Families that hold their time capsules online have an advantage because they are able to share and update their capsule at any time and at any location allowing all family member ability to contribute and learn. Additionally, with online capsules, you do not have the advantage of seeing or holding items, but you can take pictures, and scan documents
As far as content that goes into a time capsule, anything that’s important to you and your family can be added. Maybe, it’s love letters sent between your great grandma and grandpa, or maybe it’s the last text message or transcribed voice message received from a family member. Really, anything that has ever had any significance to your family should be included.
Here's a list of-of items that you can include in your family time capsule:
- Wedding licenses
- Your advice
- Funny/embarrassing stories
- Pictures
- Degrees
- Make a family video
- Family biographies
- Family traditions
- Hobbies
- Favorite movies/shows
- Jewelry
- Letters
- Record a video of couples talking about how they met and their love story
Feel free to adjust the list as it suits your family be creative and think of the future generations of your family. Finally, have fun when putting these together! These capsules are there to bring families closer together.